Fillable Hadoop reference architecture template for AWS clusters

Planning and Communicating Your Cluster Design

When creating a new Amazon Web Services (AWS) hadoop cluster it is overwhelming for most people to put together a configuration plan or topology.  Below is a Hadoop reference architecture template I’ve built that can be filled in that addresses the key aspects of planning, building, configuring, and communicating your hadoop cluster on AWS.

I’ve done this many times and as part of my focus on tools and templates thought I’d add a template you can use as a basic guideline for planning your Cloudera big data cluster.  The template includes configurations for:

  • instance basics
  • instance list
  • storage
  • operating system
  • CDH version
  • the cluster topology
  • metastore detail for hive, YARN, hue, impala, sqoop, oozie, and Cloudera Manager
  • high-availability
  • resource management
  • and additional detail for custom service descriptors (CSD) for Storm and Redis

No Warranty Expressed or Implied

It’s not meant to be exhaustive as there are many items not covered (AWS security groups, network optimization, dockerization, continuous integration, monitors, etc.) but it is an example of a real-world cluster in AWS (details of instance and AZ changed for security).

Screenshot of the roles and services in the big data design template
Example list of EC2 instances for the cluster plan

Cloudera hadoop reference architecture  configuration template for Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Please feel free to let me know how it works for you and if you have any improvements for it.

Double your effective IO on AWS EBS-backed volumes

NOTE: This content is for archive purposes only.  With generation 4+ EBS volumes big data IO performance no longer requires volume prewarming.

Fresh Elastic Block Storage volumes have first-write overhead

At my employer I architect Big Data hybrid cloud platforms for global audience that have to be FAST.  In our cluster provisioning I find we frequently overlook doing an initial write across our volumes to reduce write time during production compute workloads (called pre-warming the EBS volumes).  Per Amazon ( failure to pre-warm EBS volumes incurs a 5-50% loss in effective IOPS.  Worst case that means you could DOUBLE the IO portion of your HDFS writes until each sector has been touched by the kernel.  Amazon asserts that this performance loss, amortized over the life of a disk, is inconsequential to most applications.  For one of our current clusters we have a portion with 8-1TB drives in each of 10 compute nodes as a baseline.  Our estimated pre-warm time is 30 hours on each mount point so if done sequentially that’s 2,400 hours to touch each drive block.

What does this imply?  Without pre-warming we would have added as much as 2,400 additional hours of write latency during initial HDFS writes and that latency could appear in many different places in the stack (HDFS direct writes, Hive postgresql/mysql metadata writes and management, log writes, etc.)

Steps to optimize your EBS writes

Read the AWS document above carefully as it will ERASE EVERYTHING ON THE DISK if you use the first method in their article.  The steps below will execute this safely on disks with existing content.

To pre-warm the drives on your cluster:

    1. stop the cluster services
    1. ssh into each server
    1. execute lsblk and note the mount points (they likely start from /dev/xvdf and go down from there increasing the letter at the end, such as /dev/xvdg, /dev/xvdh, etc.)
    1. unmount each one at a time with sudo umount /ONEMOUNTPOINT
    1. Continue until all mount points are unmounted, meaning there’s nothing shown after the ‘disk’ column as below:
    1. execute the following, changing the if= and of= to the same mount pointsudo dd if=/YOURMOUNTPOINT of=/YOURSAMEMOUNTPOINT conv=notrunc bs=1MExample:  sudo dd if=/dev/xvdf of=/dev/xvdf conv=notrunc bs=1M
    1. Wait.  It’ll be a few minutes for a 32GB drive as shown in the Amazon write-up above or 1 day+ for a 1TB drive.
  1. After ALL the processes on the server complete, reboot the server

If you’d like to check the process or if your ssh session has expired and you want to ensure you’re still warming execute ps aux|grep YOURMOUNTPOINT , example:  ps aux |grep /dev/xvdf

A far better approach, of course, would be to automate this as part of your cluster deployment process using Chef or equivalent infrastructure automation tool.


Example Big Data dev cluster topology

Below is an example dev cluster topology for a Big Data development cluster as I’ve actually used for some customers.  It’s composed of 6 Amazon Web Service (AWS) servers, each with a particular purpose.  We have been able to perform full lambda using this topology along with Teiid (for data abstraction) on terabytes of data.  It’s not sufficient for a production cluster but is a good starting point for a development group.  The total cost of this cluster as configured (less storage) is under $6/hour.

Here’s a link to this dev_topology in Excel.


Service Category Server1 Server2 Server3 Server4 Server5 Server6
Cloudera Mgr Cluster Mgt Alert pub Server Host mon Svc Mon Event Svr Act Mon
Zookeeper Infra Server Server Server
YARN Infra Node Mgr Node Mgr JobHist Node Mgr RM/NM
Redis Infra Master Slave Slave
Hive Data Hive server Metastore Hcat
Impala Data App Master Cat Svr Daemon Daemon Daemon
Storm Data Nimbus/UI Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor
Hue UI Server
Pentaho BI UI BI Server
AWS details              
Name m3.2xlarge m3.2xlarge m3.2xlarge r3.4xlarge r3.4xlarge r3.4xlarge
vCPU 8 8 8 16 16 16
Memory (Gb) 30.0 30.0 30.0 122.0 122.0 122.0
Instance storage (Gb) SSD 2 x 80 SSD 2 x 80 SSD 2 x 80 SSD 1 x 320 SSD 1 x 320 SSD 1 x 320
I/O High High High High High High
EBS option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


NIST Big Data Working Group

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) kicked off their Big Data Working Group on June 19th 2013.  The sessions have now been broken down into subgroups for Definitions, Taxonomies, Reference Architecture, and Technology Roadmap.  The charter for the working group:

NIST is leading the development of a Big Data Technology Roadmap. This roadmap will define and prioritize requirements for interoperabilityreusability, and extendibility for big data analytic techniques and technology infrastructure in order to support secure and effective adoption of Big Data. To help develop the ideas in the Big Data Technology Roadmap, NIST is creating the Public Working Group for Big Data.

Scope: The focus of the NBD-WG is to form a community of interest from industry, academia, and government, with the goal of developing a consensus definitionstaxonomiesreference architectures, and technology roadmap which would enable breakthrough discoveries and innovation by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve quality of life. Deliverables:

  • Develop Big Data Definitions
  • Develop Big Data Taxonomies
  • Develop Big Data Reference Architectures
  • Develop Big Data Technology Roadmap

Target Date: The goal for completion of INITIAL DRAFTs is Friday, September 27, 2013. Further milestones will be developed once the WG has initiated its regular meetings.

Participants: The NBD-WG is open to everyone. We hope to bring together stakeholder communities across industry, academic, and government sectors representing all of those with interests in Big Data techniques, technologies, and applications. The group needs your input to meet its goals so please join us for the kick-off meeting and contribute your ideas and insights.

Meetings: The NBD-WG will hold weekly meetings on Wednesdays from 1300 – 1500 EDT (unless announce otherwise) by teleconference. Please click here for the virtual meeting information.> Questions: General questions to the NBD-WG can be addressed to


To participate in helping the US Government in their efforts, sign up at

2.5TB, 53.5 Billion Clicks Dataset Available for Clickstream Analysis

To foster the study of the structure and dynamics of Web traffic networks, Indiana University has made available a large dataset (‘Click Dataset’) of about 53.5 billion HTTP requests made by users at Indiana University. Gathering anonymized requests directly from the network rather than relying on server logs and browser instrumentation allows one to examine large volumes of traffic data while minimizing biases associated with other data sources. It also provides one with valuable referrer information to reconstruct the subset of the Web graph actually traversed by users. The goal is to develop a better understanding of user behavior online and create more realistic models of Web traffic. The potential applications of this data include improved designs for networks, sites, and server software; more accurate forecasting of traffic trends; classification of sites based on the patterns of activity they inspire; and improved ranking algorithms for search results.

The data was generated by applying a Berkeley Packet Filter to a mirror of the traffic passing through the border router of Indiana University. This filter matched all traffic destined for TCP port 80. A long-running collection process used the pcap library to gather these packets, then applied a small set of regular expressions to their payloads to determine whether they contained HTTP GET requests. If a packet did contain a request, the collection system logged a record with the following fields:

  • a timestamp
  • the requested URL
  • the referring URL
  • a boolean classification of the user agent (browser or bot)
  • a boolean flag for whether the request was generated inside or outside IU.

Some important notes:

  1. Traffic generated outside IU only includes requests from outside IU for pages inside IU. Traffic generated inside IU only includes requests from people at IU (about 100,000 users) for resources outside IU. These two sets of requests have very different sampling biases.
  2. No distinguishing information about the client system was retained: no MAC or IP addresses nor any unique index were ever recorded.
  3. There was no attempt at stream reassembly, and server responses were not analyzed.

During collection, the system generated data at a rate of about 60 million requests per day, or about 30 GB/day of raw data. The data was collected between Sep 2006 and May 2010. Data is missing for about 275 days. The dataset has two collections:

  1. raw: About 25 billion requests, where  only the host name of the referrer is retained. Collected between 26 Sep 2006 and 3 Mar 2008; missing 98 days of data, including the entire month of Jun 2007. Approximately 0.85 TB, compressed.
  2. raw-url: About 28.6 billion requests, where the full referrer URL is retained. Collected between 3 Mar 2008 and 31 May 2010; missing 179 days of data, including the entire months of Dec 2008, Jan 2009, and Feb 2009. Approximately 1.5 TB, compressed.

The dataset is broken into hourly files. The initial line of each file has a set of flags that can be ignored. Each record looks like this:

 XXXXADreferrer  host  path

where XXXX is the timestamp (32-bit Unix epoch in seconds, in little endian order), A is the user-agent flag (“B” for browser or “?” for other, including bots), D is the direction flag (“O” for external traffic to IU, “I” for internal traffic to outside IU), referrer is the referrer hostname or URL (terminated by newline), host is the target hostname (terminated by newline), and path is the target path (terminated by newline).

The Click Dataset is large (~2.5 TB compressed), which requires that it be transferred on a physical hard drive. You will have to provide the drive as well as pre-paid return shipment. Additionally,  the dataset might potentially contain bits of stray personal data. Therefore you will have to sign a data security agreement. Indiana University require that you follow these instructions to request the data.

Citation information and FAQs are available on the team’s page at .

Meetup for Tampa Analytics Professionals

I’ve started a meetup for local professionals in the decision science field around the Tampa Bay area to come together and learn about what’s happening in our area.  If you are a data science professional, come join us and be a part of making the Tampa-St. Petersburg metro area the southeast center of excellence in big data and analytics.  Visit to find events and to join.  I hope to see you there.