Predicting the Best Parameters for Federal Business Capture using WEKA

Which contract parameters should I choose?

What combination of features might I pursue to raise my probability of contract award?

  1. Open WEKA explorer
  2. On pre-process tab find the government_contracts.arff file.
  3. Perform pre-processing
    1. Escape non-enclosure single- and double-quotes (\’, \”) if using a delimited text version.
    2. Check ‘UniqueTransactionID’ and click ‘Remove’.  Stating the obvious, there is no value in analysis of a continuous random transaction ID, discretization and local smoothing  can lead to overfitting, and it has no predictive value.
    3. If you have saved the arff back into a csv you will have to filter the ZIP code fields RecipientZipCode and PlaceOfPerformanceZipCode back to nominal with the unsupervised attribute filter StringToNominal and DollarsObligated to numeric.
    4. On the Associate tab, select the Apriori algorithm and click ‘start’.  The results:


WEKA association rules for contract feature prediction
Predicting Award Parameters


This indicates that selecting for Firm Fixed Price contracts for the VA, if you are located in ZIP 83110 and the work will be performed within ZIP 83110 you may have an advantage in the acquisition.

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